The story is so odd and wonderfully relevant that I asked him if I could share it. 这个故事非常与众不同,极好地切合了主题,因此我问他能否与大家分享。
Given the relatively positive economic outlook relayed by the Spanish government it is odd that the Bankia share sale would go so horribly wrong. 从西班牙政府数据传递的相对乐观的经济前景来看,会出现班基亚银行配股交易惨败这么离谱的局面实在蹊跷。
I will be boarding in the UK families, because they can learn more about the causal culture, while studying I will be playing some odd jobs for the parents to share some of the burden. 我将寄宿在英国家庭里,因为可以了解更多的因果文化,在学习期间我会打些零工,为父母分担一些负担。